Little Brother Runs In To Pummel Sister'S Opponent In The Middle Of Match

Little Brother Runs In To Pummel Sister'S Opponent In The Middle Of Match

Did you fight with your siblings growing up? It is known that growing up with brothers is like preparing for war. I know I definitely fought with my sister, it’s almost just the natural order of things.

But with the fighting also comes a weird kind of protection over your siblings.

It’s almost a “Hey you can’t beat her up, that’s my job!”

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In a video posted online, a wrestling match is shown between two very young, very cute kids. The contestants are Ruby Lewis and Ryan Prendergast, ages 4 and 5, respectively.

This is where the sibling protection comes in.

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The wrestling match isn’t overly rough or anything, it isn’t even going particularly poorly between one contestant or the other!

But when Ruby is taken to the ground by Ryan, all hell breaks loose.

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And by “all hell” I obviously mean

the fury of her little brother who was watching from the sidelines!

He wasn’t about to let his sister get hurt, which is exactly what he thought was happening!

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It seems like these young kids might not even be in an actual match, it seems like it might very well just be practice!

In one swift motion, Ryan takes down his opponent!

He uses a classic wrestling move in which you take control of your opponent’s leg and offset their balance so that you can achieve ground control!

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And then

in a blur, Ruby’s little brother, Jash, rushes in like mighty mouse!

“Here I come to save the daaaaayyy!” -Mighty Mouse/Jash Lewis

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He does what little brothers do best and added on to the chaos!

He jumps on his sister’s opponent and tries to save her,

not realising that he’s interfering with the match!

Or even better, he knows and just doesn’t care.

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Crystal Lewis, Ruby and Jash’s mum, said “He just took off like lighting.”

Chris Prendergast, Ryan’s father, even offered some commentary that you can hear in the video:

“That is the best thing I’ve ever seen. That was awesome.”

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While the crowd erupts into laughter, you can see Jash’s dad come into the ring and pick up his little fighter to take him back to the sidelines!

It’s really great to see and hear all the parents involved be such good sports about the whole thing!

“It’s nice to share a laugh, something that can just make you smile instead of be like, ‘Oh my gosh, I can’t believe this is the world that we’re living in today.'” -Crystal Lewis

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Considering the video now has over four and a half million views on YouTube, Tori Prendergast, Ryan’s mom, never thought the innocent video she shared would take off so much! She had some good humour about the whole thing, saying:

“I guess everybody just likes cute kids. My kid is insta-famous for getting beat up by a 2-year-old.”

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We’re hoping the Lewis family continues to nurture the strong ‘protector’ traits that they’ve obviously instilled in their son! And we’re hoping that

Ruby keeps wrestling and learning how to kick some serious butt!

It’s 2020 afterall, she shouldn’t have to rely on her younger brother fixing her problems for her!

You can watch the full video below, it’s sure to brighten your day and make you smile!

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: RM Videos , IndyStar , Tori Prendergast

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