Welcoming babies into this world can be the most magical experience we as humans can share with one another. Babies have this way of turning even the smallest moments into those of magic and joy. When we hold a baby we can feel unconditional love and the endless possibilities that are ahead of them. However, as magical as having a child is it is not easy.

Age is just a number.
For one couple in India, they had struggled for years to have a child so she and her husband decided to look into getting IVF treatments with hopes of finally conceiving a child. No matter what the cost. That woman’s name is Daljinder and she is seventy-two years old.

Persistence through the process.
Daljinder and her husband have been married for over fifty years and after trying time and time again they just couldn’t get passed the piece the was missing. So they started to look into IVF treatments at the National Fertility and Test Tube Baby Centre in Hisar. At first, the clinic was skeptical but Daljinder was persistent. In order to qualify she had to go through extensive examinations, tests, multiple doctors once ruled healthy enough she was able to receive the rounds of IVF.

The cost of Daljinder’s persistence cost the couple 1 million rupees which is equivalent to about $12,000 US dollars. Daljinder states in the video her thinking behind her decision,
“Money does not matter to me. I wanted my own child at any cost and today I am a mother.”

Always worth the wait.
But her persistence and the cost was all worth the wait when the couple welcomed their son Arman.
“We cannot thank God and our doctor enough for blessing us with a baby boy.”
Daljinder who delivered Arman at the age of 72 years old was one of the oldest first-time mothers in the world!

Daljinder delivered her baby boy naturally and even breastfeeds her son. Although Daljinder has admitted welcoming this little boy has been more challenging than she expected the parents have no regrets. Although magical it can be overwhelming to welcome a new baby into the world but for this couple, they also welcomed in a ton of media to come to congratulate the new parents. She states,
“Arman is like a celebrity. He has called all media to our house like that political party in Delhi.”

Through years of waiting and trying this couple could not be happier to welcome their special miracle boy. Although the couple doesn’t know what the future holds they are thankful for every moment and plan to give him the best. The husband leaves us with some final words stating,
“Who knows about the future. Only time will tell what the future holds for our son. We plan to give him the best of everything when he grows up.”

Babies have this special way of reminding us of the magic that lives and breathes all around especially when they are miracles like little Arman. We wish the best for Arman and his loving parents.
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Source: Youtube , Naijagists , Pexels